Title: Managing Email Filters in DirectAdmin
Introduction: Email filters can help you organize, sort, and manage your incoming emails based on specific criteria. This article will guide you through the process of creating and managing email filters in DirectAdmin.
Creating an Email Filter:
1. Log in to your DirectAdmin account.
2. Navigate to the "E-mail Management" section.
3. Click on "Email Filters."
4. Click on "Create New Filter."
5. Fill in the required information:
- "Filter Name": Enter a name for the filter.
- "Conditions": Choose the conditions to trigger the filter, such as "Subject contains," "From contains," or "To contains."
- "Text to Match": Enter the text that should trigger the filter.
- "Action": Select the action to take when the filter is triggered, such as "Move to folder," "Discard," or "Forward to email."
- "Destination": If applicable, enter the folder or email address where the filtered emails should be sent.
6. Click on "Create" to create the email filter.
Managing Existing Email Filters:
1. Log in to your DirectAdmin account.
2. Navigate to the "E-mail Management" section.
3. Click on "Email Filters."
4. You will see a list of existing email filters.
5. To modify an email filter, click on the "Modify" button next to the filter you want to edit.
6. Update the filter information as needed, such as changing the conditions or actions.
7. Click on "Save" to save the changes.
Deleting an Email Filter:
1. Log in to your DirectAdmin account.
2. Navigate to the "E-mail Management" section.
3. Click on "Email Filters."
4. Locate the email filter you want to delete.
5. Click on the "Delete" button next to the filter.
6. Confirm the deletion by clicking "Yes" in the confirmation prompt.