How to Disconnect Third-Party Email and Switch Back to cPanel Email Service with Web Hosting Print

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Switching from a third-party email service like Google Workspace back to Domain India's free cPanel email service is a straightforward process. This guide will help you navigate the steps involved.


  • Access to your Domain India cPanel account
  • Access to your third-party email provider's settings

Steps to Disconnect Third-Party Email Service:

  1. Log In to cPanel: Access your Domain India cPanel account.

  2. Navigate to DNS Settings: Find the "DNS Management" or "Zone Editor" section.

  3. Remove Third-Party DNS Records:

    • Locate the MX (Mail Exchanger) records associated with your third-party email provider.
    • Delete these MX records or modify them to point back to Domain India's email servers.
  4. Update SPF Record:

    • SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records may also need to be updated to remove the third-party email service's information.
  5. Save Changes: Save your DNS settings and wait for them to propagate. This could take up to 48 hours.

Steps to Configure Free cPanel Email:

  1. Navigate to Email Section: In your cPanel, go to the "Email" section.

  2. Create New Account: Click on "Create" or "Add Email Account."

  3. Enter Details: Input your desired email ID, domain, and secure password.

  4. Create Account: Click the "Create" button.

  5. Email Client Setup: Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your email client, if necessary.

  6. Test Email: Once the DNS settings have propagated, send a test email to ensure everything is working correctly.

Important Notes:

  • DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate across the internet.
  • Ensure you've backed up all necessary data from your third-party email service before making the switch.

For more details or if you encounter issues, please refer to our detailed knowledge base at or submit a ticket for further assistance at

If in the future you wish to switch back to a third-party email provider, you can follow our guide on Configuring Third-Party Email Servers with DNS.

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