A Step-By-Step Guide to Installing MongoDB Using DomainIndia.com VPS Print

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A Step-By-Step Guide to Installing MongoDB on AlmaLinux 8.6 / CentOS 8.6 Using DomainIndia.com VPS


This comprehensive guide will take you through the step-by-step process of installing MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, on AlmaLinux 8.6 or CentOS 8.6, using a VPS from DomainIndia.com. This guide aims to help anyone, from a novice to an experienced developer, set up MongoDB effortlessly.

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Initial Server Setup
  3. Installing MongoDB
  4. Configuring MongoDB
  5. Securing MongoDB
  6. Testing MongoDB Installation


Before you begin, ensure that you have:

  1. Access to a VPS running AlmaLinux 8.6 / CentOS 8.6, such as one from DomainIndia.com.
  2. Sudo or root access to the server.
  3. Basic understanding of command-line operations.

Initial Server Setup

Before we can install MongoDB, we must first prepare the server. This involves updating the server and installing the necessary software.

  1. Log in to your server as the root user or as a user with sudo privileges.

  2. Update your server's package list by typing:

sudo dnf update -y

3. Once the server has been updated, proceed to the next step.

Installing MongoDB

Here are the steps to install MongoDB:

1. Add the MongoDB repository to your system:

echo "[mongodb-org-4.4]
name=MongoDB Repository
gpgkey=https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-4.4.asc" | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-4.4.repo

2. Now, install MongoDB using the command:

sudo dnf install mongodb-org -y

3. After the installation is complete, enable MongoDB to start on boot and start the service using the following commands:

sudo systemctl enable mongod
sudo systemctl start mongod

Verify the Installation

You can verify that the correct version of MongoDB is installed by issuing:

mongo --eval 'db.runCommand({ connectionStatus: 1 })'

Configuring MongoDB

The next step is to configure MongoDB to suit your requirements.

1. Open the MongoDB configuration file in a text editor:

sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf

2. You can make changes to this configuration file as required. For example, you can update the 'bindIp' field to '' to allow connections from all IP addresses.

## Securing MongoDB

MongoDB should be secured to protect sensitive data. Here's how you can do it:

1. Open the MongoDB shell:


2. Create a new admin user:

use admin
db.createUser({user:"admin", pwd:"password", roles:[{role:"root", db:"admin"}]})

3. Exit the MongoDB shell:


4. Open the MongoDB configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf

5. Uncomment 'security' and add 'authorization: "enabled"' below it:

authorization: "enabled"

6. Restart MongoDB to implement the changes:

sudo systemctl restart mongod

Testing MongoDB Installation

Finally, you can test the MongoDB installation to ensure it's working correctly:

1. Log in to the MongoDB shell with the admin user:

mongo -u admin -p --authenticationDatabase admin

2. If you are successfully logged in, MongoDB is working as expected. You can now create, read, update, and delete data in your MongoDB installation.

Congratulations! You've successfully installed MongoDB on your AlmaLinux 8.6 / CentOS 8.6 server using DomainIndia.com VPS. With MongoDB installed, you're ready to start creating powerful and scalable applications. Enjoy exploring the world of NoSQL databases!

When working with MongoDB on CentOS, AlmaLinux, or RockyLinux, there could be situations where you encounter issues due to the specifics of the CPU architecture, virtualization settings, or unexpected software errors. click here to 

Debugging and Troubleshooting MongoDB on CentOS, AlmaLinux, and RockyLinux

Uninstalling MongoDB

Sometimes, you might need to uninstall MongoDB from your system. Here are the steps to do that:

1. Stop MongoDB:

sudo systemctl stop mongod

2. Remove MongoDB packages:

sudo dnf remove mongodb-org*

3. Remove MongoDB databases and log files:

sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb
sudo rm -r /var/lib/mongo

Please note, the last command will delete all of your MongoDB databases, so be sure to backup any important data before executing these commands.

Updating MongoDB

To keep your system secure, it's crucial to keep MongoDB updated. Here's how you can do it:

1. Update the package list:

sudo dnf update -y

2. Upgrade MongoDB:

sudo dnf upgrade mongodb-org -y

3. Restart MongoDB to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart mongod

MongoDB Management Tips

In order to manage MongoDB effectively, here are a few tips:

1. Monitor Performance: Regularly monitor your MongoDB performance to identify any issues. You can use MongoDB's inbuilt tools for this, such as the 'mongostat' and 'mongotop' commands.

2. Regular Backups: Regularly backup your MongoDB databases to avoid data loss. You can use the 'mongodump' command for this.

3. Indexing: Properly index your MongoDB collections to enhance database performance.


This guide has covered the installation, configuration, securing, testing, updating, uninstalling, and management of MongoDB on AlmaLinux 8.6 / CentOS 8.6 using DomainIndia.com VPS. By following this guide, you should now have a well-rounded understanding of how to effectively use MongoDB in your server environment. Always remember, regular monitoring and timely updates are key to a healthy database system.

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