How to Install AApanel : A Step-by-Step Guide Print

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How to Install and Manage AApanel on VPS: A Comprehensive Guide

AApanel is an all-in-one, intuitive web hosting control panel tailored for efficient web server management. This guide will walk you through installing AApanel on your Virtual Private Server (VPS) and also provide management commands to ensure seamless server operations.


  • A VPS from, preferably with a freshly installed operating system like CentOS 7, Debian 9+, or Ubuntu 16.04+.
  • Root access privileges to your VPS.
  • Familiarity with the command-line interface.

Installation Steps:

1. Accessing Your VPS: Begin by accessing your VPS as the root user. For Windows users, employ an SSH client like PuTTY, while macOS/Linux users can use Terminal. Substitute your_server_ip with your VPS IP address:

ssh root@your_server_ip

2. Download and Execute the AApanel Installer Script: Based on your OS, use the command below:

For Ubuntu/Deepin: wget -O && sudo bash aapanel

For CentOS: yum install -y wget && wget -O && bash aapanel

For Debian: wget -O && bash aapanel

3. Proceed with Installation: The script will guide you with a series of prompts. Adhere to the instructions, and provide any necessary input when required.

4. Record the Login Credentials: Upon completing the installation, the system will provide the AApanel's URL, username, and password. Ensure to document these securely.

5. Accessing AApanel's Dashboard: Open a browser and navigate to the provided AApanel URL. Input the given username and password to access the AApanel dashboard. You're now ready to oversee your web server operations.

6. Enhancing AApanel's Security: To secure your AApanel:

  • Change the default login credentials.
  • Activate two-factor authentication.
  • Set up IP access limitations through AApanel's security settings.

Mastering aaPanel: A Comprehensive Guide to Server Management on VPS

In the digital age, managing your server effortlessly and efficiently is paramount. Introducing aaPanel: an intricate yet user-friendly web hosting control panel that's tailored for web server management. With its comprehensive features and commands, server administration becomes a breeze. Here, we dive deep into the numerous functionalities aaPanel offers and how you can seamlessly utilize them.

The Essence of aaPanel:

aaPanel Management Script: This script is the backbone of the aaPanel control, empowering users with a multitude of management options. Whether you wish to start, stop, restart or even uninstall services, this script has got you covered.

Delving into the Commands:

  1. Basic Management:

    • Start: service bt start
    • Stop: service bt stop
    • Restart: service bt restart
    • Uninstallation: To remove aaPanel, use the following: service bt stop && chkconfig --del bt && rm -f /etc/init.d/bt && rm -rf /www/server/panel
  2. Panel Customizations:

    • View Current Control Panel Port: cat /www/server/panel/data/
    • Modify Control Panel Port (CentOS 6 & 7): Depending on your OS version, there are commands available to change the default port, such as to '8881'. Always ensure you have the right OS version before executing.
    • MySQL Management: To force change the MySQL manager password: cd /www/server/panel && python root 123456
    • Changing the Control Panel Login: For enhancing security, change the panel login password using: cd /www/server/panel && python panel 123456
  3. Directory & Configuration Knowledge:

    • Web Server Configurations: Understand where your server configurations for Nginx and Apache reside. These directories /www/server/panel/vhost/nginx and /www/server/panel/vhost/apache respectively, hold the key to server tuning.
    • Nginx & Apache Control: Familiarize yourself with basic commands to start, stop, and restart these services.
    • Database Essentials: From backups to error logs, know where your database information is stored and how to access it.
    • PHP Management: Depending on your PHP version, utilize specific commands for starting, stopping, and configuring your PHP settings.
    • Data Storage Directories: Recognize paths like /www/wwwroot for site defaults, /www/backup/database for database backups, and many more.
  4. Additional Services:

    • Redis & Memcached: Discover installation directories and basic control commands to ensure these caching mechanisms run efficiently.
    • FTP: Understand FTP configurations and control commands for smooth file transfers.


Having a comprehensive knowledge of aaPanel's functionalities guarantees smooth sailing in the sea of server administration. This guide ensures you're equipped with the necessary know-how, ensuring optimal server performance. Remember, if challenges arise,'s dedicated support is always eager to assist.

Harness the power of aaPanel, and experience server management like never before.

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