DNSSEC, or Domain Name System Security Extensions, is a suite of security extensions designed to protect the integrity and authenticity of DNS data. DNSSEC adds an extra layer of security to the Domain Name System (DNS) by digitally signing DNS data using public-key cryptography. This ensures that the DNS information a user receives is accurate and has not been tampered with or intercepted during the communication process.
When a user requests information about a domain name, the DNS resolver verifies the authenticity of the DNS data using the digital signatures provided by DNSSEC. If the digital signature matches the DNS data, the information is considered valid and secure. If the digital signature does not match or is missing, the DNS resolver treats the data as potentially malicious and may not return the requested information.
DNSSEC helps protect against various types of cyber attacks, such as:
1. DNS cache poisoning: An attacker manipulates DNS data stored in a DNS resolver's cache, redirecting users to malicious websites or intercepting sensitive data.
2. Man-in-the-middle attacks: An attacker intercepts DNS requests and responds with fraudulent DNS data, redirecting users to malicious websites or intercepting sensitive data.
3. DNS spoofing: An attacker forges DNS data, tricking users into visiting malicious websites or intercepting sensitive data.
To implement DNSSEC, domain owners must enable it through their domain registrar or DNS hosting provider. Once enabled, the domain's DNS records are digitally signed using cryptographic keys. The keys must be properly managed and regularly updated to maintain the security and integrity of the DNSSEC implementation.
You need to raise a support ticket or use LiveChat on DomainIndia.com to request activation of the DNSSEC service. Once activated, Log in to your Domain India account.
While DNSSEC provides an additional layer of security, it does not offer complete protection against all types of cyber attacks or address all DNS-related vulnerabilities. It is essential to implement other security best practices, such as using SSL/TLS certificates, keeping software up-to-date, and following strong password policies, to protect your online presence.