How to Customize the GeneratePress Theme for a Unique and Personalized Website Design Print

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GeneratePress is a popular and lightweight WordPress theme that offers both a free and a premium version. One of its key strengths is its customizability, which allows users to create a unique and personalized website design. In this article, we will walk you through the process of customizing the GeneratePress theme, including the header, footer, typography, colors, and other elements. We will also discuss the availability of demo sites for inspiration.

Customizing GeneratePress Theme:

  1. Installing the GeneratePress Theme:

Before you can customize the GeneratePress theme, you need to install it on your WordPress website. Go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to 'Appearance' > 'Themes', click 'Add New', and search for 'GeneratePress'. Install and activate the theme.

  1. Accessing the GeneratePress Customizer:

To access the theme customizer, go to 'Appearance' > 'Customize' in your WordPress dashboard. This will open the GeneratePress customizer, which offers various options for personalizing your website's design.

  1. Customizing the Header:

In the customizer, navigate to 'Layout' > 'Header'. Here, you can modify the header layout, alignment, and padding. You can also add a logo, adjust its size, and choose whether to display the site title and tagline.

  1. Customizing the Navigation:

Navigate to 'Layout' > 'Primary Navigation' to customize your website's main navigation menu. Adjust the menu item height, width, and alignment, and choose the colors for the menu background, text, and hover effects.

  1. Customizing the Typography:

Go to 'Typography' in the customizer to adjust the font styles for your website. GeneratePress offers a wide range of fonts, including Google Fonts. You can customize the body text, headings, and various other elements by adjusting their font family, size, weight, and line height.

  1. Customizing the Colors:

Under 'Colors', you can modify the colors for various elements of your website, such as the background, text, links, and buttons. Use the color picker to choose the desired colors and create a consistent color scheme that matches your brand and desired appearance.

  1. Customizing the Footer:

Navigate to 'Layout' > 'Footer' to customize your website's footer. Adjust the footer layout, widget areas, and padding, and add a custom copyright message if desired.

  1. Customizing Blog Layout:

To customize the layout of your blog posts and archives, go to 'Layout' > 'Blog'. Adjust the featured image size, content layout, and metadata display to suit your preferences.

  1. Additional Customizations (Premium):

If you have the GeneratePress Premium plugin, you can access advanced customization options, such as:

  • Page headers: Add custom headers to individual pages or posts.
  • Elements: Create custom hooks, layouts, and block elements.
  • Spacing: Fine-tune the spacing and padding for various elements.
  1. Publish Your Changes:

Once you are satisfied with your customizations, click 'Publish' to save your changes and make them live on your website.

Using Demo Sites for Inspiration:

GeneratePress offers a library of pre-built demo sites that you can use for inspiration or as a starting point for your website. These demo sites are available through the GeneratePress Site Library, which is accessible to GeneratePress Premium users. To access the Site Library, go to 'Appearance' > 'GeneratePress' > 'Site Library' in your WordPress dashboard.


Customizing the GeneratePress theme allows you to create a unique and personalized website design that reflects your brand and desired appearance. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily customize the header, footer.

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