In this article, we will walk you through the process of managing a sample app using Git, GitHub, and Visual Studio Code (VSCode). We will cover pushing the app to a GitHub repository, cloning and connecting the repo with VSCode, editing the required files, and deploying the updated app on a VPS. We will also discuss installing Git on both the VPS and VSCode.
1. A sample app ready for version control
2. A GitHub account
3. Visual Studio Code installed on your local machine
4. Access to a VPS
Step 1: Initialize the Git Repository
Navigate to the sample app's root folder on your local machine and run the following command to initialize a Git repository:
git init
Step 2: Configure Git
Set your Git user name and email:
git config "Your Name"
git config ""
Step 3: Commit the Sample App to the Local Repository
Add all files in the sample app to the staging area:
git add .
Commit the files to the local repository:
git commit -m "Initial commit"
Step 4: Create a New GitHub Repository
Log in to your GitHub account and create a new repository. Copy the repository URL provided after creation.
Step 5: Connect the Local Repository to the GitHub Repository
In the sample app's root folder, run the following command to connect the local repository to the remote GitHub repository, replacing `your-repo-url` with the copied URL:
git remote add origin your-repo-url
Step 6: Push the Sample App to the GitHub Repository
Push the local repository to the remote GitHub repository:
git push -u origin main
Step 7: Clone the GitHub Repository in VSCode
Open Visual Studio Code and click on the "Source Control" icon in the sidebar. Click on "Clone Repository" and paste the GitHub repository URL. Choose a local folder where the repository will be cloned.
Step 8: Install Git on the VPS
Connect to your VPS via SSH and run the following command to install Git:
sudo apt-get install git
Step 9: Clone the GitHub Repository on the VPS
Clone the GitHub repository on the VPS by running the following command, replacing `your-repo-url` with the repository URL:
git clone your-repo-url
Step 10: Edit Files in VSCode
Make any required changes to the files in the sample app using VSCode. Save the changes when you're done.
Step 11: Commit Changes and Push to GitHub
In VSCode's "Source Control" panel, stage your changes, add a commit message, and click the checkmark to commit. Then, click the "Synchronize Changes" button to push the changes to the remote GitHub repository.
Step 12: Pull Changes from the GitHub Repository to the VPS
Connect to your VPS via SSH and navigate to the folder where the repository was cloned. Pull the latest changes from the GitHub repository:
git pull
Step 13: Deploy the Updated App on the VPS
Follow your usual deployment process to deploy the updated sample app on the VPS.
You have now learned how to manage a sample app using Git, GitHub, and Visual Studio Code, including cloning, editing, and deploying the app on a VPS. By following these steps, you can ensure efficient collaboration with your team and smooth deployment of your application. With a solid understanding of these tools and processes, you can streamline your development workflow, making it easier to adapt to changes in project requirements and minimize the time it takes to deliver new features.
As you continue to hone your skills in managing and deploying applications using Git, GitHub, and VSCode, consider exploring the following topics to further enhance your workflow:
Branching and merging strategies: Learn different branching and merging strategies in Git to keep your project's codebase clean and organized, making it easier to collaborate with your team and track changes.
Integrating code quality and testing tools: Integrate various code quality and testing tools with your Git and VSCode workflow to catch potential issues before they make it into the production environment.
Automating deployment processes: Set up continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automatically deploy your application whenever changes are pushed to the remote repository, reducing the chances of human error and improving your overall deployment process.
Collaborating with pull requests and code reviews: Utilize pull requests and code reviews in GitHub to improve the quality of your codebase and foster a culture of collaboration within your team.
Mastering Git commands and shortcuts: Improve your efficiency with Git by learning and mastering various Git commands and shortcuts, enabling you to navigate your repositories and manage your code more effectively.
By focusing on these advanced topics, you can continuously improve your development and deployment processes, making it easier to deliver high-quality software that meets the needs of your users. Ultimately, mastering these tools and techniques will make you a more effective developer, capable of collaborating seamlessly with your team and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of software development.