Connecting to a MySQL Database Remotely Print

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Connecting to a MySQL Database Remotely in cPanel and DirectAdmin with Configuration Settings for Dynamic IP Addresses

Introduction: MySQL is a widely-used open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that enables efficient storage, organization, and management of data. To interact with a MySQL database, you need to establish a connection between your application or website and the database server. In this article, we'll guide you on how to connect to a MySQL database remotely using cPanel and DirectAdmin control panels, along with configuration settings for dynamic IP addresses.


Step 1: Log in to cPanel Log in to your cPanel account using your username and password.

Step 2: Access the 'Remote MySQL' section Navigate to the 'Databases' section and click on the 'Remote MySQL' icon.

Step 3: Add your IP address To allow remote access to your MySQL server, enter your IP address or a wildcard (%) to allow access from any IP address (not recommended for security reasons). Click on the 'Add Host' button.

Note: If you have a dynamic IP address, consider using a wildcard (%) or a dynamic DNS service to ensure continued access to the MySQL server when your IP address changes.

Step 4: Obtain the database connection details To connect to your MySQL database remotely, you'll need the database name, username, password, and the server's hostname or IP address. You can find this information in the 'MySQL Databases' section of cPanel.


Step 1: Log in to DirectAdmin Log in to your DirectAdmin account using your username and password.

Step 2: Access the 'MySQL Management' section Navigate to the 'Extra Features' section and click on the 'MySQL Management' icon.

Step 3: Add your IP address Click on the 'Add Access Host' button. Enter your IP address or a wildcard (%) to allow access from any IP address (not recommended for security reasons). Click on the 'Save' button.

Note: If you have a dynamic IP address, consider using a wildcard (%) or a dynamic DNS service to ensure continued access to the MySQL server when your IP address changes.

Step 4: Obtain the database connection details To connect to your MySQL database remotely, you'll need the database name, username, password, and the server's hostname or IP address. You can find this information in the 'MySQL Management' section of DirectAdmin.

Configuration Settings for Remote MySQL Connection:

To connect to your MySQL server remotely, you'll need to use the following configuration settings in your application or website:

  • Hostname: The server's hostname or IP address (found in the cPanel or DirectAdmin)
  • Database Name: The name of the database you want to connect to
  • Username: The MySQL user with appropriate privileges for the database
  • Password: The password for the MySQL user
  • Port: The default MySQL port is 3306

Conclusion: Connecting to a MySQL database remotely in cPanel and DirectAdmin is a straightforward process. By configuring remote access settings, adding your IP address or a wildcard, and obtaining the database connection details, you'll be able to interact with your MySQL database efficiently. These details can be used in your website or application to establish a remote connection and perform various database operations. Remember to consider security implications when allowing remote access, especially when using wildcards or dynamic IP addresses.

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