To access and manage your MySQL database using phpMyAdmin and cPanel, follow these steps:
Log in to your cPanel account: Access your cPanel account by navigating to your domain name followed by "/cpanel" (e.g., or use the URL provided by your hosting provider. Enter your cPanel username and password to log in.
Locate the "Databases" section: Once you're logged in to cPanel, scroll down to the "Databases" section.
Access phpMyAdmin: In the "Databases" section, click on the "phpMyAdmin" icon. This will open phpMyAdmin in a new tab or window.
Select the desired database: On the left sidebar of the phpMyAdmin interface, you'll see a list of your databases. Click on the database you want to manage. The main window will display the tables in the selected database.
Manage your database: Now that you've accessed your database, you can perform various actions using phpMyAdmin, such as creating, modifying, and deleting tables, as well as executing SQL queries.
Creating a table: Click on the "Create table" button at the bottom of the main window. Enter the table name, the number of columns, and click "Go." Fill in the column names, types, and other attributes, and then click "Save."
Modifying a table: Click on the table you want to modify in the left sidebar. To change the table structure, click on the "Structure" tab. Here you can add or delete columns, change column names or types, and modify indexes. To edit the table's data, click on the "Browse" tab. Here you can insert new rows, edit existing rows, or delete rows.
Deleting a table: Select the table you want to delete from the left sidebar, and click on the "Drop" button located at the bottom of the main window. Confirm the action in the pop-up dialog box.
Executing SQL queries: Click on the "SQL" tab at the top of the main window. Type your SQL query in the textarea and click "Go." The results of your query will be displayed below the textarea.
Export and import database: You can export your database for backup or migration purposes or import an existing database.
Exporting a database: Select the database you want to export from the left sidebar. Click on the "Export" tab at the top of the main window. Choose the export method (Quick or Custom) and the format (usually SQL). Click "Go" to start the export process. Save the exported file to your local machine.
Importing a database: Select the database you want to import into from the left sidebar. Click on the "Import" tab at the top of the main window. Click "Choose File" and browse to the location of the exported SQL file on your local machine. Confirm the format (usually SQL) and click "Go" to start the import process.
Log out of phpMyAdmin and cPanel: When you're finished managing your MySQL database, click on the "Log out" icon in the top right corner of phpMyAdmin. Close the phpMyAdmin tab and return to your cPanel account. To log out of cPanel, click on the "Log out" link in the top right corner.
Remember to always back up your database before making significant changes, and consult Domain India support team if you need further assistance.